Best swimming "swedish goggles style" goggles?

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Former Member
Hello Summer is coming up and I've always bought some cheap, minimum sunglasses style, goggles that were OK but always broke the strap before the end of the summer. 5 bucks and I was happy with them. I will use these just to swim for fun, no competition or anything and they are hardly used. I just want some minimum protection against the sun but some of all to be comfy and easy to adjust/put on/use. I've spent timeless minutes adjusting goggles back and forth when I could have been swimming. I wouldn't like to spend much on these, at max, 50 bucks. I know you probably use a lot more professional ones but I really don't want to spend more than 20. Like I mention, if they are worth it, 50 bucks max. Thank to everyone for helping and your posts
  • Thank you for the recommendations. I have three pairs of alleged anti-fog goggles that fog up after about 10 min. so I got some of that anti-fog stuff to put in my cheap goggles. I didn't know about baby shampoo. They fit well. The gasket is soft and doesn't leave a huge mark unlike the less expensive goggles, but the anti-fog is a load of horse hockey. I'm going to check out the two recommended Swedes. When I tried a couple of pairs on I was almost afraid to take them off.
  • Thank you for the recommendations. I have three pairs of alleged anti-fog goggles that fog up after about 10 min. so I got some of that anti-fog stuff to put in my cheap goggles. I didn't know about baby shampoo. They fit well. The gasket is soft and doesn't leave a huge mark unlike the less expensive goggles, but the anti-fog is a load of horse hockey. I'm going to check out the two recommended Swedes. When I tried a couple of pairs on I was almost afraid to take them off.
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