Getting over a bad performance

Okay, I'm in a complete funk now. At spring nationals this weekend, I had what was probably the worst meet of my career, performance wise. Really can't understand why, as the meet was run really well, I thought I had trained and tapered properly, and everything seemed to be in order. Come competition time, I sucked. Had a so-so 400IM, got dq'd in the 200Br, and just went slow in everything else. Not making excuses, but now I feel horrible. Don't want to train, and I'm almost embarrassed to look at my results. So now what? How do I get over this desire to quit? (I know, I'm taking this way to seriously, but I can't shake the feeling of being a failure)
  • Take comfort in the fact that you didn't fly from Florida to swim poorly (you look like you are from Ca). This too shall pass. As we get older sometimes we're just happy to finish the race. I have years when I just don't bother with competing - the joy is in the getting there for me, not always in the race. Let's hope you just plain old enjoy swimming, for swimming sake :)
  • Take comfort in the fact that you didn't fly from Florida to swim poorly (you look like you are from Ca). This too shall pass. As we get older sometimes we're just happy to finish the race. I have years when I just don't bother with competing - the joy is in the getting there for me, not always in the race. Let's hope you just plain old enjoy swimming, for swimming sake :)
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