New Omega Backstroke Start Device

Former Member
Former Member
Wow, this is cool! A "starting wedge" for backstrokers. Looks like it's approved by FINA; it's on their YouTube page. How to use the backstroke foot ledge: - At the start, the toes of both feet must be in contact with the end wall or face of the touchpad. Bending the toes over the top of the touchpad is prohibited. - The ledge may be adjustable to 4 cm above or 4 cm below the water level.
  • That was painful to watch. She ended up making a good showing despite the horrific start.
  • It seems like a simpler solution would be to just make the Omega pads more tacky (something like Colorado pads). Every backstroker I know thinks Omega pads are evil.
  • Is this known as the "Lester Hayes" rule? :)
  • ... I really don't understand why Omega can't change the design going forward.I understand why Omega doesn’t change their design, but without going into boring detail about materials science and slat and tape switch vs mesh separation designs, suffice it to say you most likely won’t see dramatic changes in Omega pads soon. This may be some of why FINA approved the wedge.
  • Thanks for the video post Chris ... i agree with you, this was the worst slip i've ever seen or done ... an earlier poster mentioned the dive off the blocks start ... i doubt that FINA would pull the rug out from OMEGA at this point ... but FINA could throw us a bone by allowing the curling of our toes on the gutter rather then adding the expense of retrofitting all the blocks in the US that have simple hang off the gutter touch pads ... i have never been a fan of FINA
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    A little dab of pine tar is all you need. Your shoes might stick to your feet, but you'll never slide off of a timing pad again.
  • thanks for the info rob ... i'm not so sure this will be applicable to pads that hang on the gutter ... it seems very specific to the Omega pads. for one, with a hang on the gutter pad you can't get the full 8 cm range of adjustment stated in the description/rule (probably the 2 and 4 cm below the water might be able to be done but not the "level with the water level" or above as you would not be able to place your toes against the pad). the devil will be in the details when it comes to the US style end wall gutters and pads.
  • hey rob copeland ... would you happen to have the wording of the rule that will allow this "ledge/wedge". i'm supposing that it can't be product specific as that would make the incestuous relationship of FINA - OMEGA even worse. is there a possibility that the rule could have equipment adaptable to the hang off the gutter touch pads that are prevalent in the US (even it was just for the 2-4 cm under the surface of the water levels)
  • hey rob copeland ... would you happen to have the wording of the rule that will allow this "ledge/wedge". i'm supposing that it can't be product specific as that would make the incestuous relationship of FINA - OMEGA even worse. is there a possibility that the rule could have equipment adaptable to the hang off the gutter touch pads that are prevalent in the US (even it was just for the 2-4 cm under the surface of the water levels)The wording can be found on the FINA web site And I assume the ruling would be applicable to non-FINA walls (with gutters) as well as FINA walls.
  • Of course they could avoid ALL OF THIS if they just allow backstrokers to dive from the blocks! Just have a rule that you have to be on your back before the first stroke. That's a rule change I could get behind! yes i agree...let's just make it freestyle for all but a small portion of a length! :grin: