New Omega Backstroke Start Device

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Former Member
Wow, this is cool! A "starting wedge" for backstrokers. Looks like it's approved by FINA; it's on their YouTube page. How to use the backstroke foot ledge: - At the start, the toes of both feet must be in contact with the end wall or face of the touchpad. Bending the toes over the top of the touchpad is prohibited. - The ledge may be adjustable to 4 cm above or 4 cm below the water level.
  • Of course they could avoid ALL OF THIS if they just allow backstrokers to dive from the blocks! Just have a rule that you have to be on your back before the first stroke. That's a rule change I could get behind! Intriguing suggestion. Your backstroke and fly times are always pretty close--a backstroke dive would give backstroke an advantage. The other thing about this that would be nice--granted, in one of those imaginary universes that comic books occasionally use when the run out of ideas for their superheroes--is that the order of a medley relay would no longer require backstrokers to start first. This would, in my view, open up a whole other possibility: strategic medley relay swimming, where each team would be free to pick its own order just so long as each of the four strokes are swum. You might, for instance, want to start with your freestyler in hopes of getting as much clear water as possible for your team. Or maybe you could start with breaststroke, be a little behind, but give the other teams that creepy sense that you are fast catching up, causing them to panic. Who knows? But it could add an intellectual component to swimming competition that, god only knows, is somewhat lacking now!
  • Of course they could avoid ALL OF THIS if they just allow backstrokers to dive from the blocks! Just have a rule that you have to be on your back before the first stroke. That's a rule change I could get behind! Intriguing suggestion. Your backstroke and fly times are always pretty close--a backstroke dive would give backstroke an advantage. The other thing about this that would be nice--granted, in one of those imaginary universes that comic books occasionally use when the run out of ideas for their superheroes--is that the order of a medley relay would no longer require backstrokers to start first. This would, in my view, open up a whole other possibility: strategic medley relay swimming, where each team would be free to pick its own order just so long as each of the four strokes are swum. You might, for instance, want to start with your freestyler in hopes of getting as much clear water as possible for your team. Or maybe you could start with breaststroke, be a little behind, but give the other teams that creepy sense that you are fast catching up, causing them to panic. Who knows? But it could add an intellectual component to swimming competition that, god only knows, is somewhat lacking now!
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