Local Ordinances restrict open swimming

Former Member
Former Member
I have been open swimming in the ocean in Myrtle Beach SC for 30 years and have recently been harassed by law enforcement and arrested. I am going to trial and hope to eventually change our local laws. Does any one have experience with this issue or recommend a legal expert that can testify on my behalf. I am sure this issue has come up in other communities.
  • WOW ??? On what basis did they claim this was illegal? Is it by a water treatment plant or a military base? Private lake have rules was to who can use the water, but the OCEAN???
  • I just looked it up and it says you can't go beyond 50 yd from the beach. Is that an East Coast thing.My Dad lives in Jacksonville and there have been a couple of times I have been down there, and when I went to the beach the warning signs were up in conditions that seemed mild by West Coast standards.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Local ordinance restricts swimming to 50 yards or chest deep water. Since I have to clear the surf to swim parallel to shore, I am in constant violation of the law.
  • Sooooo - is surfing illegal cuz it's more than 50 out?? or is ok cuz you have a board?
  • Time to move to "better waters"
  • I just looked it up and it says you can't go beyond 50 yd from the beach. Is that an East Coast thing.My Dad lives in Jacksonville and there have been a couple of times I have been down there, and when I went to the beach the warning signs were up in conditions that seemed mild by West Coast standards. When we've been to East Coast beaches, I've always been surprised that they've put up red flags for what are considered small or normal sized waves on the West Coast. Red flag days were the only days there that you could actually body surf.