Head depth in freestyle

Former Member
Former Member
I felt myself slowly losing my balance lately so decided to start out my warm ups the past few days with some body balance drills. Had been working on a ton of kick fitness lately and somehow I just just got out of kilter with my legs. So, I really wanted to feel the far end of the spectrum and found something really interesting. Not sure if the top of my head is actually underwater, but is it safe to say if when I rotate to breath and I can breathe fine it's not too deep? It's certainly deeper than I have ever had b/c I'm pressing down on my sternum so hard it's ridiculous, but it feels fantastic and I had an instant win with the clock and feel. I know sometimes just b/c something feels right it isn't always the right thing, but seems if it's faster it's a win. In short, if I can still breathe ok with proper mechanics my head ain't too deep? Right or wrong? Thanks all.
  • I'd have to see you to be sure,but if you can breath well and go faster it is likely good.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Wish I could get some video, maybe this weekend. I kind of figured if I could still grab air with good breathing mechanics it might be ok. But like you said the clock tells us what we want to know. It's amazing for such a body position stickler that I let myself slip into an uphill position the last few weeks. Ahhhk!