Neurontin and Swimming-Training-Competing??

I am a 70 year old recent cancer survivor (spine surgery-chemo-radiation) who is now on Neurontin for nerve damage from my chemo (RCHOP). I am now able to slowly start swimming again and wonder if anyone has experienced if/how nerve medications like Neurontin affect their ability to train and ultimately compete again? This is unchartered territory for me, and I understand that progress will be very slow, but any advice-experiences would be welcome!
  • I have never been on it,but I have prescribed it and had a family member on it.The simplified explanation of how it works is that it decreases the reactivity (irritability) of neurons. That is bound to have some effect on swimming performance,but if the dose is not so high as to make you "fuzzy headed" I expect the effect would be relatively minimal. You have to weigh that against the effect of untreated chronic pain,which would definitely adversely affect training and performance.
  • I have never been on it,but I have prescribed it and had a family member on it.The simplified explanation of how it works is that it decreases the reactivity (irritability) of neurons. That is bound to have some effect on swimming performance,but if the dose is not so high as to make you "fuzzy headed" I expect the effect would be relatively minimal. You have to weigh that against the effect of untreated chronic pain,which would definitely adversely affect training and performance.
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