DQ rules re losing suit upon diving in or during race???

Can one be DQ'd at a USMS sanctioned meet if your suit falls off upon diving in and you find yourself nude? Or if it starts to slide down, down, down during a race until, oops! it's off? I know my options if my suit were to malfunction during a race and I wished to continue would be to (a) stop in the middle as long as I didn't touch the lane lines or put my feet on the bottom of the pool, or (b) stop at a wall and do all adjustments there. But if it plumb came off, would I get DQ'd? Curious, here. You never can predict a race. Izzy I'm trying to post a poll but may not be able to figure out how, re suit malfunctions.
  • Very interesting. Ricky was motivated to work very hard after his suit malfunctioned: www.youtube.com/watch And absolutely no fair! Same thing happened to Flavia Zoccari and she's DQ'd, as knelson stated. sport.msn.co.nz/.../swimmers-wardrobe-malfunction.glance I'm still curious if there is an official rule on this if it's inadvertent. How it *could* happen to a woman. Say, for example, I was frustrated with my "race" suit at a meet due to crappy times in said "race" suit, and so changed into my practice suit, somewhat baggy with loose straps, to take away the pressure of "racing," and say, for example, one strap decided to bust, and the whole suit could have gone south, all inadvertent, this all being hypothetical, etc. Izzzy
  • Very interesting. Ricky was motivated to work very hard after his suit malfunctioned: www.youtube.com/watch And absolutely no fair! Same thing happened to Flavia Zoccari and she's DQ'd, as knelson stated. sport.msn.co.nz/.../swimmers-wardrobe-malfunction.glance I'm still curious if there is an official rule on this if it's inadvertent. How it *could* happen to a woman. Say, for example, I was frustrated with my "race" suit at a meet due to crappy times in said "race" suit, and so changed into my practice suit, somewhat baggy with loose straps, to take away the pressure of "racing," and say, for example, one strap decided to bust, and the whole suit could have gone south, all inadvertent, this all being hypothetical, etc. Izzzy
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