No improvements in 50m freestyle :<

Former Member
Former Member
Hello! I´m from Germany 25 years old and I hope my english is understandable... :) I´m swimming for 3 years now, and I really love it and want to be as good as i can! For the last year i started practicing very hard. 5-7 times a week, but i have the problem that i dont see any improvements in the 50m of any stroke... I dont have a Trainer, and there are no forums like this in german where i could ask someone. at the moment i´m swimming with someone i know from university (but he is a much better swimmer than me, 25.2s on 50m) but he doesnt know how to help either, hes just telling me to keep training^^ thats what i will do anyway!! Maybe someone has experienced a similiar problem and knows how to fix it. i will try to explain where the problems in my swimming skills are... when i started swimming and learned the techniques by myself, watchning youtube videos and reading a lot of books about swimming i have been improving very fast until i swim ~30s on 50m short course. that was about 1,5years after i started. about half a year later i was down to 28.8s on 50m short course, but from this point on wasnt improving anymore. that 28.8 is still my best time... last weekend i swam 30.1 on 50m long course. i dont understand it because i put so much effort in my swimming training, and i got better i.e. in holding good times in intervalls, or in 100m and 200m and longer distances. but no improvement in 50m. i believe i´m naturally a sprinter, i always was, in evry sport i did, canoeing, and bicycling which i first did on the street but then changed to velodrome. still i love swimming more than any other sport i did. that 30.1 makes me kind of upset... so that i want to train even harder >.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Im usually training in intervall-sets: Like 10x50m on 0:50 or 8x100m on 1:45 in freestyle or 2:00 for IM... im mixing evrything up, and do 4x50m drills between hard intervalls. My training could look like this: 400m warmup swim 5x200m Free on 3:10 50m easy 400m flutterkick followed by 8x50m 4x50m drills 8x100 IM on 2:00 200-400m cooldown I´m also sometimes swimming butterfly, breasttroke and backstroke, but mostly freestyle. For Butterfly im going 31.5s and Breaststroke 37.8. My backstroke is terrible, maybe as fast or a bit slower than my ***^^ In last half year i was doing a lot of Flutterkick sets, and just kicking 800m, cause i believed just making meters in flutterkick should help me, and it did. Yesterday my training was not so long. i tried 20x25m on :45 and then i did flutterkick 8x50m on 1:30 and 8x25m on 0:45. my times in 50m flutterkick ranged from 1:02-1:05 at 25m :25-:30 the 25s really felt good, in the middle of the set my stroke felt better than usually, in the end maybe 20 repeats were to much.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Im usually training in intervall-sets: Like 10x50m on 0:50 or 8x100m on 1:45 in freestyle or 2:00 for IM... im mixing evrything up, and do 4x50m drills between hard intervalls. My training could look like this: 400m warmup swim 5x200m Free on 3:10 50m easy 400m flutterkick followed by 8x50m 4x50m drills 8x100 IM on 2:00 200-400m cooldown I´m also sometimes swimming butterfly, breasttroke and backstroke, but mostly freestyle. For Butterfly im going 31.5s and Breaststroke 37.8. My backstroke is terrible, maybe as fast or a bit slower than my ***^^ In last half year i was doing a lot of Flutterkick sets, and just kicking 800m, cause i believed just making meters in flutterkick should help me, and it did. Yesterday my training was not so long. i tried 20x25m on :45 and then i did flutterkick 8x50m on 1:30 and 8x25m on 0:45. my times in 50m flutterkick ranged from 1:02-1:05 at 25m :25-:30 the 25s really felt good, in the middle of the set my stroke felt better than usually, in the end maybe 20 repeats were to much.
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