2015 worlds

Former Member
Former Member
Ребята, I haven't gone to one yet but I'm considering 2015 for no other reason than that I speak Russian but have never been there. If I do go, I like the idea of being with an organized group since I am not an experienced overseas traveler. There's no way I meet any of the qualifying times so the slim hope is that few enough USA swimmers are entered that some spots open by default, right? с уваженеим, Дэвид
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Check the qualifying times when they become available. As an indication, check the Montreal Worlds ones now. I was confusing world championships times (sub-4:00 400m FR for example) with world MASTERS championships. I looked at the montreal times as you suggested and I indeed may have a shot.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Check the qualifying times when they become available. As an indication, check the Montreal Worlds ones now. I was confusing world championships times (sub-4:00 400m FR for example) with world MASTERS championships. I looked at the montreal times as you suggested and I indeed may have a shot.
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