Help me get my mojo back!

Seems I’ve lost my mojo. Can’t decide the cause (winter blah’s, hot training water, demoralizing training group, chronic injuries, what?) so it’s hard to know how to fight back. I don’t feel depressed, but when I get in the pool, I’m acting depressed. It’s like I’m afraid to get out of breath – or like I’m just not interested in working that hard any more. All of a sudden it’s a struggle to go to the gym. In fact, this morning, I didn’t. I have a great excuse, with “frozen shoulder” (how does that happen to a swimmer?) so upper body weight lifting is OUT for a while, but I could go and work on abs and legs. But instead I slept in. I even scratched a meet this month. Haven’t done that in a while; I’ve scratched events, but not an entire meet. Anybody have any great ideas on how to get that spark back? So I’m excited for the race again? Excited to “get after it”? Thanks in advance!
  • I agree with Flystorms, Celestial is an inspiration. Add me to the list Celestial's inspirees. 1) I think it is harder to get motivated in the early morning during the winter - dark, cold etc. - we want to hibernate; 2) it's really hard to keep going at full tilt x365 days/year - get your sneaks and bike out, and back off the pool so it's maybe 2 or 3 times per week (I pretty much stopped completely for 4 or 5 months and that was not a good idea - should have stayed in the pool at least a few days per week); 3) My main mojo motivator comes when I watch other swimmers in the pool from the sidelines (envy) - could be just watching live at a local AG or college meet, or a national meet on TV, or even just a practice - I wanta do it, not sit and watch. I wanta swim like Michael or Ryan, so watch a couple of meets, and I'm headed back to the pool. 4) I haven't coached in many many years, but think that would stimulate me to keep swimming too, if it didn't take up all the available time.
  • To break out of stagnation, I've been trying USRPT for this training cycle. I don't claim to know where it's headed, but it's been interesting and the quality and intensity of my practices has gone way up. I tried that yesterday, and you're right, it's fun!
  • Well, everybody, I think I'm back (that was fast, right?). You all had great advice, but just to clarify (and possibly reassure myself) I had not lost my love of swimming, just my desire to push myself to swim HARD and FAST. (Of course, fast is relative, of course.). I think that I have very specific training condition requirements that must be met: cool water, clean pool, and it also helps to have someone close to my speed, that I might have a chance to beat every now and then. It is very demoralizing to have people beat the socks off you day after day. Imagine always having Ryan Lochte as a lane mate; even tho he's a really nice guy, and I must say, nice to look at, it wouldn't help either of us to be training partners. I am impressed by those who seem able to push themselves to the limit every day, no matter what the conditions. I think this is a symptom of getting old. I am becoming "set in my ways", like my father, and I am a bit grumpy if things aren't the way I like them. Thank you all for your helpful and kind comments. And Flystorm, you inspire me, too! I can't wait to meet you at the San Antonio Nationals next Spring!
  • I agree with Flystorms, Celestial is an inspiration. Now for that second helping of cheesecake. If it's chocolate, I'll join you! :dinner: While I'm at it, I'm jumpin' in with those of you who have been inspired by Celestial! It is always great to see her at swim meets!