Help me get my mojo back!

Seems I’ve lost my mojo. Can’t decide the cause (winter blah’s, hot training water, demoralizing training group, chronic injuries, what?) so it’s hard to know how to fight back. I don’t feel depressed, but when I get in the pool, I’m acting depressed. It’s like I’m afraid to get out of breath – or like I’m just not interested in working that hard any more. All of a sudden it’s a struggle to go to the gym. In fact, this morning, I didn’t. I have a great excuse, with “frozen shoulder” (how does that happen to a swimmer?) so upper body weight lifting is OUT for a while, but I could go and work on abs and legs. But instead I slept in. I even scratched a meet this month. Haven’t done that in a while; I’ve scratched events, but not an entire meet. Anybody have any great ideas on how to get that spark back? So I’m excited for the race again? Excited to “get after it”? Thanks in advance!
  • Have you ever swum with kids in a USAS team? I love my masters team but from an energy perspective there is nothing like being around kids who love swimming; it's also infectious. It was quite intimidating the first few times I trained with the kids and even more intimidating when I competed against the kids but it's really great fun and gives you a whole new perspective on why swimming is important to you. I unfortunately don't get to train with the kids regularly but every opportunity I get, I take. Another thought would be to get involved in coaching either USMS or USAS. You can still swim but again this will give you other perspective and reason to fall in love with swimming again.
  • Have you ever swum with kids in a USAS team? I love my masters team but from an energy perspective there is nothing like being around kids who love swimming; it's also infectious. It was quite intimidating the first few times I trained with the kids and even more intimidating when I competed against the kids but it's really great fun and gives you a whole new perspective on why swimming is important to you. I unfortunately don't get to train with the kids regularly but every opportunity I get, I take. Another thought would be to get involved in coaching either USMS or USAS. You can still swim but again this will give you other perspective and reason to fall in love with swimming again.
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