Swim training & scuba diving

Former Member
Former Member
Hi folks, I've just joined Masters to work on improving my swim technique and speed. Other than general fitness, my main motivation is that I'm a scuba diver and I want to improve my ability to swim through a current when needed, particularly as I'm hoping to make it to Galapagos in a few years. For starters I'm focusing on developing my 6-beat flutter kick since this generally would be useful in a current, as well as making me a faster freestyle swimmer. I also plan to work on the frog kick. Since I'm sure there are other scuba divers here, I thought I'd ask for recommendations for other ideas on the most helpful drills, exercises or techniques to improve scuba efficiency & fitness. Have you found any swim techniques that specifically help you deal with currents better, or improves buoyancy control or air consumption? I have started working with a swim coach but she doesn't seem too familiar with scuba techniques so I'm hoping a few folks here have some ideas! Thanks! Bianca Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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