Holiday Traditions and Swim Challenges. What's yours?

I'm working on the 12 Days of Christmas challenge that Charlotte Brynn in Stowe, Vermont has dreamt up: Pick any 12 days in December and start on day 1 with 1,000 yards or meters. The next day do 2,000. On the third day do 3,000 and so on, increasing the distance each day by an additional 1,000 yards or meters until you get to 12,000 on the 12 day of the challenge. I just did day 5, and I'm already dragging. One week to go! We also have a tradition here of doing 100 x 100 the day after Thanksgiving and on New Year's Eve. Got me wondering about what other special events and challenges other swimmers have during the holiday season. Got a fun workout with reindeer games? Or a special polar plunge event? Or some set workout you do every year like the 100 x 100 that you do with your team just for fun or as a fundraiser? If so, let me know! I'm interested to hear how other swimmers around the country ring in the New year and celebrate this festive season in swimming style.
  • Actually I never understood this tradition of extreme workouts after or before some celebration. IMO it actually causes extra unhealthy load on viscera. I prefer to do same yardage as usual but something easier aerobic and something I like to swim. Holiday should be holiday - in the water as well. You should enjoy holiday in the pool not torture yourself. If there's possibility to play some game like water polo instead of usual workout or just to have fun I think that can help recharge your swimming batteries. Btw today I hit 500 miles for this year and I'm glad about that. In general I don't set annual mileage goals otherwise I feel bad and guilty if I can't achieve them even if I couldn't achieve them due to reasonable reasons. I prefer to set goals for certain annual meets to improve my PBs. That takes to make good planning of the macro-cycle which should include different methods like drills, speed sets, intervals and mileage as well. This year I could swim 50 LCM br in 34.07 (my PB last year was 35.08) and 100 SCM br 1:15.71 (last year PB was 1:19.38) so this approach works great for me and I don't feel guilty for overcelebrating and don't need to punish myself for it by some extreme workouts. :banana:
  • Actually I never understood this tradition of extreme workouts after or before some celebration. IMO it actually causes extra unhealthy load on viscera. I prefer to do same yardage as usual but something easier aerobic and something I like to swim. Holiday should be holiday - in the water as well. You should enjoy holiday in the pool not torture yourself. If there's possibility to play some game like water polo instead of usual workout or just to have fun I think that can help recharge your swimming batteries. Btw today I hit 500 miles for this year and I'm glad about that. In general I don't set annual mileage goals otherwise I feel bad and guilty if I can't achieve them even if I couldn't achieve them due to reasonable reasons. I prefer to set goals for certain annual meets to improve my PBs. That takes to make good planning of the macro-cycle which should include different methods like drills, speed sets, intervals and mileage as well. This year I could swim 50 LCM br in 34.07 (my PB last year was 35.08) and 100 SCM br 1:15.71 (last year PB was 1:19.38) so this approach works great for me and I don't feel guilty for overcelebrating and don't need to punish myself for it by some extreme workouts. :banana:
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