My 500 freestyle time is terrible. need a faster solution

My 500 yd scy freestyle time is terrible. I am not breaking 7 minutes. I would like to know if there are any fast ways to improve my times. My masters coach has given me advice, but the results are very slow. I am not looking for a magic pill or anything like that. I am looking for a workout solution. Any tips?
  • I am 43. I didn't start Masters swimming till a 18 months ago. I get about 8k yards in a week. (1 hour , 3 days a week averaging 2500-2800 yards. I never swam that distance when I was younger. My issue is I have been holding at around 1:30 for a while and I can't seem to get down to 1:25 or 1:20, for 500 yards. I just keep running out of gas. I can go much faster for a single 100 or 200 though. I have been slowly improving my stroke technique. As far as average times go, The 40-44 age group times seem to hover around the low 6 minute mark on average. The has been the case at the meets I have been to. Hi, You pretty much answered your own question - you are "slowly improving your stroke technique". This is a great first step! Maintaining a good technique is one of the most important elements to improving your time and avoiding injuries, especially in the longer distance events such as 500 and above. In addition, as many others have advised you on this thread, you should also start working on increasing your yardage, developing a stronger kick, and working on interval sets. Never sacrifice your technique, however. Incorporate drills into your workouts and you will be able to improve both your endurance and your efficiency - which will lead to a faster time! Good luck!
  • I am 43. I didn't start Masters swimming till a 18 months ago. I get about 8k yards in a week. (1 hour , 3 days a week averaging 2500-2800 yards. I never swam that distance when I was younger. My issue is I have been holding at around 1:30 for a while and I can't seem to get down to 1:25 or 1:20, for 500 yards. I just keep running out of gas. I can go much faster for a single 100 or 200 though. I have been slowly improving my stroke technique. As far as average times go, The 40-44 age group times seem to hover around the low 6 minute mark on average. The has been the case at the meets I have been to. Hi, You pretty much answered your own question - you are "slowly improving your stroke technique". This is a great first step! Maintaining a good technique is one of the most important elements to improving your time and avoiding injuries, especially in the longer distance events such as 500 and above. In addition, as many others have advised you on this thread, you should also start working on increasing your yardage, developing a stronger kick, and working on interval sets. Never sacrifice your technique, however. Incorporate drills into your workouts and you will be able to improve both your endurance and your efficiency - which will lead to a faster time! Good luck!
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