Masters swimmer Herb Siegel, 1922-2013

Former Member
Former Member
My Dad and fellow Masters swimmer Herb Siegel passed away yesterday at age 91. He grew up in New York City during the Depression and taught himself to swim by emulating Johnny Weissmuller. He was a lifelong fitness swimmer, but I encouraged him to join USMS in 1999 following the death of my mother. He began competing, accumulating a total of ten top ten times and winning numerous medals in local, state, and national meets. Competitive swimming gave his life purpose and meaning. His fondest memory was swimming with his son and his granddaughter at short course nationals in Greensboro last year. He continued swimming right up until three weeks before his death, incorporating drills and interval training into his 2500 yard workouts. He told me last weekend that he regretted not having had the opportunity to compete in his new age group.
  • Please accept my condolences. How special to have shared the three generation experience, as well many other swimming experiences with your dad. I love it that you got him back into the sport as I imagine he played a big part in introducing you to it when you were younger. I think I can speak for a lot of us that we'd each not only love to reach 91, but to be swimming for as long as your dad did.
  • Please accept my condolences. How special to have shared the three generation experience, as well many other swimming experiences with your dad. I love it that you got him back into the sport as I imagine he played a big part in introducing you to it when you were younger. I think I can speak for a lot of us that we'd each not only love to reach 91, but to be swimming for as long as your dad did.
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