What's considered a good time for a 50 yard sprint?

Former Member
Former Member
To think 6 months ago I was posting here whining about not making it halfway across my 25 yard pool... This morning I pushed it and decided to see how fast I could do a 50 yard sprint (Freestyle). I did it in :42. Is this good? Marian
  • This morning I pushed it and decided to see how fast I could do a 50 yard sprint (Freestyle). I did it in :42. Is this good? Yes, it's good. But not nearly as good as 39.9! As good as you are now, which is much. much better than you were before, you are not nearly as good as you're gonna be! Keep going! It'll feel great to break 40!
  • This morning I pushed it and decided to see how fast I could do a 50 yard sprint (Freestyle). I did it in :42. Is this good? Yes, it's good. But not nearly as good as 39.9! As good as you are now, which is much. much better than you were before, you are not nearly as good as you're gonna be! Keep going! It'll feel great to break 40!
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