Butterfly with Breaststroke kick

Former Member
Former Member
I'll apologize in advance, but I'm a breaststroker and my butterfly sux. Looking for an opinion on rule 101.3.3. I'm doing the butterfly with a breaststroke kick, just like I did in 10 & unders. QUESTION 1: Is it legal to do one breaststroke kick in to the arm stroke, and then one dolphin kick out? QUESTION 2: As long as I'm complying with the 15m rule, can I do SL dolphin kicks off the start and walls, then one breaststroke kick into a pull which pops me to the surface. Again, I'm an old breaststroker looking for a loop hole in the rules.
  • Only one breaststroke or whip kick is permitted per arm pull. Legal - arm pull, breaststroke kick Legal - arm pull, breaststroke kick, dolphin kick Legal - dolphin kick, arm pull, dolphin kick, breaststroke kick, dolphin kick Illegal - arm pull, breaststroke kick, breaststroke kick Illegal - arm pull, breaststroke kick, dolphin kick, breaststroke kick
  • Why is it legal to do "arm pull, dolphin kick, breastroke kick, dolpin kick" but illegal to do "arm pull, breastroke kick, dolphin kick, breastroke kick" There is only 1 arm pull in either way?The first is legal because there was only 1 breaststroke kick with the 1 arm pull and the second is illegal because there are 2 breaststroke kicks with the 1 arm pull. It’s the number of breaststroke kicks per arm pull not the number of arm pulls per breaststroke kick that determine a legal butterfly stroke. It is legal to dolphin kick the entire length of the pool without any arm pulls, provided you remain on the surface at and past the 15 Meter line. You can even throw in one and only one breaststroke kick anywhere along the way and still be legal.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    I'm doing one *** kick into the arm stroke, and a second dolphin kick out of the arm stroke. Legal, right? That's what they mean by "interchangeable"?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    Legal - dolphin kick, arm pull, dolphin kick, breaststroke kick, dolphin kick Illegal - arm pull, breaststroke kick, dolphin kick, breaststroke kick Rob, Why is it legal to do "arm pull, dolphin kick, breastroke kick, dolpin kick" but illegal to do "arm pull, breastroke kick, dolphin kick, breastroke kick" There is only 1 arm pull in either way?
  • I wouldn’t call it a loophole, but we do have a rule that allows you to do the breaststroke kick interchangeably with the dolphin kick. Butterfly 101.3.3 Kick—All up and down movements of the legs and feet must be simultaneous. The position of the legs or the feet need not be on the same level, but they shall not alternate in relation to each other. The breaststroke or whip kick may be used exclusively or interchangeably with the dolphin kick while doing the butterfly stroke at any time during the race. Only one breaststroke or whip kick is permitted per arm pull, except that a single breaststroke or whip kick is permitted prior to the turn and the finish without an arm pull. After the start and after each turn, a single breaststroke or whip kick is permitted prior to the first arm pull. A scissors kicking movement is not permitted.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
  • The way I swim butterfrog is dive dolphin,dolphin,BR kick,dolphin,surface with first pull and BR kick,dolphin after every stroke.Off the walls I always do the BR kick,but the number of dolphin kicks is dependent on my need for oxygen.I'll do butterfrog for the whole way in a 200 fly,or for the BR leg of a 400 IM.My regular fly is faster than my butterfrog for about 60 yd,so I go about that far in a 100 fly regular and then switch.(Yes I can swim 100 fly,or 200 fly regular and legal,just not as fast.) If your BR is good and your BK is lousy like mine,here is another trick.On BK I swim BR underwater on my back for as close to the legal 15M as my lungs will allow.
  • I wouldn’t call it a loophole, but we do have a rule that allows you to do the breaststroke kick interchangeably with the dolphin kick. Butterfly 101.3.3 Kick—All up and down movements of the legs and feet must be simultaneous. The position of the legs or the feet need not be on the same level, but they shall not alternate in relation to each other. The breaststroke or whip kick may be used exclusively or interchangeably with the dolphin kick while doing the butterfly stroke at any time during the race. Only one breaststroke or whip kick is permitted per arm pull, except that a single breaststroke or whip kick is permitted prior to the turn and the finish without an arm pull. After the start and after each turn, a single breaststroke or whip kick is permitted prior to the first arm pull. A scissors kicking movement is not permitted. I wish the inverse were true that masters could legally do breastroke with a dolphin kick I haven't tested it but I have a feeling it might be way faster for me, especially if I changed my breastroke pull the streamline to outsweep to insweep to thrust to much smaller faster motions to squeeze in more DKs
  • Could someone explain a little more about the "alternating" that is illegal in the butterfly kick? If someone, while doing a dolphin kick, has one foot start slightly before the other, is that "alternating" and illegal (i.e. a flutter kick)? Would a good way to think of it (for me) be to have toes touching through the downbeat? Also, how is a *** stroke kick considered "alternating", as it seems simultaneous to me (although mirror imaged)
  • Alternating means,basically, flutter kicking.If your right foot is above your left,or v.v.,that is legal as long as they stay that way throughout each length.If you start with the right foot higher and somewhere down the pool the left foot gets higher,you have done an illegal flutter kick to get there.