Hi i counted my dolphin kicks after flip turn and i took 11 dolphin kicks to reach the 15m mark. Is that a good number? those dolphin kick were swift and fast ones. Should i dolphin kick after walls or just flip turn and freestyle?
I am aiming for 5-6 dolphin kicks for a 200m freestyle race.
Also is there any advantage for dolphin kicking off walls instead of just transitioning to normal freestyle?
Though an old clip and a 100 free, popov just coasted off the wall starting flutter kicks at breakout to win in 96. Maybe conserving his energy since he was even with HallJr for the lead
Just thought it was kinda interesting
Though an old clip and a 100 free, popov just coasted off the wall starting flutter kicks at breakout to win in 96. Maybe conserving his energy since he was even with HallJr for the lead
Just thought it was kinda interesting