How much do you believe you can improve?

I assume that most of us believe that we could swim substantially faster, IF. IF we won a huge lottery payout, or a IF some swim suit vendor decided that what they really needed was an ordinary masters swimmer to promote their product and paid us sufficient money to: · Quit work. · Hire an army of helpers to do yard work, clean the house, run the kids around, cook, do shopping, pay the bills, buy a reliable car etc. · Hire a great coach. · Hire a personal trainer. · Buy access to our own lane at a great weather-proof pool to match our schedule - and that of a few great training partners. · Hire a masseuse. · Hire a dietician. · ... But that aint 'gonna happen, so I put forth this hypothetical: Consider your best times in your two best events over the last two years. Given the current constraints on your lifestyle, (training time, sleeping time, ...) if you did your best to improve in those two events, how much do you believe you could lower your times over the next year or so.
  • I used to believe something like this: -- Speed loss due to normal aging and/or injury is inevitable. Then I saw this: W 65-69 LCM 50 Butterfly Diann B Uustal 2013-06-05 (20130605panjunL) 67 GAJA 50 Fly H4 / L4 34.56 <<<<<<<
  • I used to believe something like this: -- Speed loss due to normal aging and/or injury is inevitable. Then I saw this: W 65-69 LCM 50 Butterfly Diann B Uustal 2013-06-05 (20130605panjunL) 67 GAJA 50 Fly H4 / L4 34.56 <<<<<<<
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