Exercise induced asthma

Hi, I'm sure this has been covered at some point in the forums, but I haven't had much luck in finding much information on this here. The short version is I've developed exercise induced asthma over the past year. It probably developed over the past few years and just expressed itself over the past 6 months as I've upped my training to 5 days a week in preparation for meets this summer. I started with an inhaler (albuterol) a few weeks ago and upped it to a steroidal inhaler and some sort of pill to take before I work out, but I'm still finding the whole experience to be incredibly disappointing, as I've been training hard (for me) and just can't catch my breath after sprint sets, and anything over a 75 at race pace leaves me wheezing on the pool deck for 5 min until I can recover enough to get back in. The meds are letting me get through practice, but they're letting me scrape by - at my last visit to the pulmonologist, I was told I exhale c02 at 80% of normal. I asked if that was 80% of a normal person or athlete. Normal person, of course. This is all new to me and really frustrating, as I was a lifelong runner (before I lost too much cartilage to continue) and never had breathing problems until now. For fellow asthmatics out there - any advice would be really appreciated on how to manage this condition. I was making really great strides in my swimming this past year and just completely tanked my last race due to breathing issues (well, that but more due to my own inexperience and going out way too fast) much thanks, Jeff
  • Thanks everyone - I did take the advice and got a spacer for my inhaler. So far it's improved a bit, but not to where I'd like it. I can finally swim 3500+ sets again, but sprinting is still rough as far as breath recovery goes. Thanks again
  • Thanks everyone - I did take the advice and got a spacer for my inhaler. So far it's improved a bit, but not to where I'd like it. I can finally swim 3500+ sets again, but sprinting is still rough as far as breath recovery goes. Thanks again
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