Very Inexpensive Chlorine Remover

There is a product on the market to remove chlorine from hair and skin (Swim Spray) that costs $12.95 for a 4oz bottle, on their website. If you look at the ingredients of Swim Spray, there are only two: Water and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). After doing a few minutes of research online, I learned that I could make my own spray by adding 1tsp. of Vitamin C crystals to a pint spray bottle of water. I just purchased a bottle of Vitamin C crystals from Trader Joe's for $11.99. I am going to use my empty 2oz. free sample of Swim Spray to refill it with my own mix for a cost of about $0.13 per bottle (there are 908- 1/8 teaspoons in the bottle of crystals)! $0.13 vs $6.50 for 2 ounces of Swim Spray. That gives you an idea of how much $ goes into packaging, marketing, salaries, and all of the other overhead expenses to bring a product to market. :afraid: By the way, if you there is not a Trader Joe's near you, Vitamin C crystals can be purchased online. Just use an empty travel size hairspray bottle, mix up a batch, and throw the bottle in your swim bag. After your swim, briefly rinse off in the shower, spray your hair and skin, wait a few seconds, then rinse. Now you can use your shampoo and body wash or soap as usual. Edit: I previously typed in 1/4 tsp., rather than 1tsp. (in bold). Sorry for the mistake!
  • This is a great idea, but I choose to embrace my chlorine smell.I'm with you on that Kirk...that's why we swim, so we don't have to buy that expensive smelly stuff at the store. Ever noticed when you start sweating at work that all you smell is chlorine (that is if you have a job where you sweat :bolt: ).
  • This is a great idea, but I choose to embrace my chlorine smell.I'm with you on that Kirk...that's why we swim, so we don't have to buy that expensive smelly stuff at the store. Ever noticed when you start sweating at work that all you smell is chlorine (that is if you have a job where you sweat :bolt: ).
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