Swimming in Paris?

Former Member
Former Member
I am about to head to Paris for two months. (I know, I know, rough duty.) Staying in the Marais district, 4th Arrondissement. Have never been. Has anyone ever swum in Paris? I don't really need Masters' workouts, as I swim alone mostly. Just need access to pool for workout purposes. Eager for insights if you got 'em. Thanks!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Sounds interesting. My impression had been that the French were more "civil" :cool:. For example, once I was watching some event like a parade on the street of Paris among the crowds on a light rainy day. I was holding an umbrella, and the umbrella got too close to someone without umbrella, about to touch her but didn't, and she gave me a stare. Similar reaction when walking fast in the metro and nearly bumped into someone.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Sounds interesting. My impression had been that the French were more "civil" :cool:. For example, once I was watching some event like a parade on the street of Paris among the crowds on a light rainy day. I was holding an umbrella, and the umbrella got too close to someone without umbrella, about to touch her but didn't, and she gave me a stare. Similar reaction when walking fast in the metro and nearly bumped into someone.
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