Developing power and endurance - with the right stroke

I've been focusing on stroke work for the past year or so and I'm hitting on a phase I'm hoping others have hit and have answers to. My 75-85% efforts are when my stroke is best but 1) It seems to fall apart when I really put the pedal to the metal and 2) If I try to slow down to build endurance, the stroke also does not stay together. If I can't maintain stroke mechanics during peak sprints or cardio/muscular endurance sets would that amount to garbage yardage? This funky middle ground means I get some decent effort in practice, but it seems too short compared to other swimmers workouts. Without building power or endurance using 'the right stroke' I worry that I'm not really making as good of progress as I can. Thanks in advance.
  • Apologies if posting to an old thread is bad form. Re. feeling the core, I just had laproscopic surgery that cuts in thru the belly button and two points to the side of it. Wow! I can feel where the ab muscle just to the side of center, about four inches over, hurts when I reach and pull the water.
  • Apologies if posting to an old thread is bad form. Re. feeling the core, I just had laproscopic surgery that cuts in thru the belly button and two points to the side of it. Wow! I can feel where the ab muscle just to the side of center, about four inches over, hurts when I reach and pull the water.
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