Returning to the pool - Can't do > 12.5 yards freestyle

Former Member
Former Member
This is awful. I really want to be able to swim freestyle - I can do the *** stroke no problem. I'm taking a workshop and my instructor tells me "your freestyle stroke is very strong" but I'm so WEAK! I'm swimming in a 25 yard pool and I can't make it much more than halfway across the $#$@! pool without having to break into the *** stroke, and I feel like I am just dying. I'm not in HORRIBLE shape, but not great shape (the current shape is round but my lifestyle changes will eliminate that in time)...I do martial arts, circuit training, can walk 2 miles without a problem. What can I do to work up to freestyle without killing myself? I don't want to shorten my swims by trying to do freestyle and then dying and having to settle for less time in the water/moving around/burning it off. Help!
  • Good advice from the posters above. I had a rough time returning to the pool after taking off a few decades. The first swim was brutal (as were the subsequent swims), but slowly over the course of months I was able to increase the distance I could swim. It does get easier as you condition your muscles and improve your technique.
  • Good advice from the posters above. I had a rough time returning to the pool after taking off a few decades. The first swim was brutal (as were the subsequent swims), but slowly over the course of months I was able to increase the distance I could swim. It does get easier as you condition your muscles and improve your technique.
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