Pool Length

Yesterday I swam in a pool I had never been to before. The pool is 30.5 meters (33.3 yards) long X 20 yards wide. Starting blocks were on the 20 yards. Why would a pool be built at 30.5 meters? Would you change your workout to accommodate this unusual distance? My normal 4000 meter workout, turned into 4880 meters. I would like to continue to use this pool,however I will have to put in some serious thinking into my workouts.
  • RPI is where we always had big meets growing up (silvers/golds). The smaller pool was great for easy swimming between events. Still gets used a lot today for AD age group meets; too bad a masters meet can't be organized there. Why not? There is a coached masters swim at RPI in Troy, Mon-Fri, 6:30-7:30 PM, by Jeff Maxwell. Also at Union College in Schenectady, by Rita Kalmikova. So, why can they not organize a meet there?
  • RPI is where we always had big meets growing up (silvers/golds). The smaller pool was great for easy swimming between events. Still gets used a lot today for AD age group meets; too bad a masters meet can't be organized there. Why not? There is a coached masters swim at RPI in Troy, Mon-Fri, 6:30-7:30 PM, by Jeff Maxwell. Also at Union College in Schenectady, by Rita Kalmikova. So, why can they not organize a meet there?
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