Migraines after practice

I train with an age group team. Our normal Saturday practices are in a pool around 85º and for 2 hours. The practices may not be hugely high in yardage but very high in intensity. I normally have chronic headaches and lately I've been getting migraines after these Sat practices. I don't know if it's the heat of the pool for the long time or the intensity. I talked to the coach today about getting out after 90 min as I find that helps. He mentioned upping my fluid and nutrition intake. What should I up and what else can I do to avoid the migraines? They are making for very boring weekends for my family as I lay on the couch in pain.
  • Another vote for magnesium! A friend of mine put me on to it as I tend to suffer at from headaches around that time of the month. I have been taking a 400mg tablet plus whatever is in my daily multi-vitamin and while it has not completely elimitated the problem it has helped a great deal. (I really should talk to my doctor about it, but I don't like going :afraid:) Also keep hydrated. all. the. time. I've always been prone to headaches from dehydration, and right now my water bottle is a constant companion, workout or not. Today I put 1/2 an electrolyte tablet in there too to keep up my salt levels - it reached 100 this afternoon and I was teaching outside for 3 hours. However I still feel human tonight - unlike last night :bed: I think I'll try the magnesium. Thanks. As for water, I drink, on a low day, 72 oz. On a higher day of swimming or exercise, It's usually around 100 oz. I have my water bottle with me at all times, too.
  • Another vote for magnesium! A friend of mine put me on to it as I tend to suffer at from headaches around that time of the month. I have been taking a 400mg tablet plus whatever is in my daily multi-vitamin and while it has not completely elimitated the problem it has helped a great deal. (I really should talk to my doctor about it, but I don't like going :afraid:) Also keep hydrated. all. the. time. I've always been prone to headaches from dehydration, and right now my water bottle is a constant companion, workout or not. Today I put 1/2 an electrolyte tablet in there too to keep up my salt levels - it reached 100 this afternoon and I was teaching outside for 3 hours. However I still feel human tonight - unlike last night :bed: I think I'll try the magnesium. Thanks. As for water, I drink, on a low day, 72 oz. On a higher day of swimming or exercise, It's usually around 100 oz. I have my water bottle with me at all times, too.
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