Help! I'm Horrible at Losing Weight

Help! I'm Horrible at Losing Weight is the latest installment of the "Help! I'm Horrible" series FLUTTER KICK SDK SPEED Many of us want to be thinner. One of the first tips in Swim Faster Faster is: LUG LESS LARD, the positive way to say this is: Be a slimmer swimmer. The fact is, when we swim, we have to drag our bodies through the water and if we have less mass and resistance, we're likely to swim faster. Many of us want to lose weight or have lost weight, some of us kept it off while others lost then gain it all back. The problem with losing weight is I often find it after I lost it. This thread is for us to discuss this issue and act in this arena What works and doesn't? Why do we self sabotage? What's your story? What else? The 4 word DIET from the book "Four Word Self Help: Simple Wisdom for Complex Lives" by Patti Digh is: "EAT LESS MOVE MORE " Losing weight takes a goal / intention, a plan, and action. it takes constant focus and effort. It takes discipline. It takes some being hungry and suffering. We lose weight by burning more than we consume. There's a catch 22 If we starve ourselves and lose weight too quickly our bodies become more efficient at storing fat. It's an emotional area, it's diffucult, it can seem overwhelming, some resort to expensive and possibly dangerous surgery and or plastic surgery. Food is a difficult area, we need it to survive, for energy and repair, but if we eat too much, we store up the excess in the form of fat. If you're a bit too heavy you might benefit from being a slimmer swimmer. You might be healthier and fitter. Use this thread to declare your intention, goal and gain some support. There's many books, methods and programs out there. I'm not offering anyone any sure fire solution here. there's No "lose 20 pounds in 20 days for 20 bucks" scam Many methods work. The simple solutions are: EAT LESS MOVE MORE, Anything we do and measure improves. Anything we focus on improves. Appropriate action and smart choices work Sometimes we perform better with support Increase your resting metabolic rate. Be sensible. Become a fat burning biofurnace. Stop procrastinating, start now you can offer advice, share your story, share your current situation and goal. you can participate or lurk we can celebrate achievement and progress console failure, set backs and disappointment ARE YOU IN? if so please share: name age height weight situation goal plan and post your progress and updates What else? consider weekly pictures or updates chart your journey from before to after. Forgive yourself for mistakes. It took years to put it on, it's likely to take months or years to take it off. Stop procrastinating, start now, don't wait for Monday or some made up starting point. Most importantly: Always always work with your doctor and professionals I hope we go from horrible to excellent, from where we are to optimal. It's fun to be fit fast and healthy. Good luck, Namaste Ande
  • I have lost 50lbs in the last 18 mos. Found out I had a thyroid issue which let me shed 25 within 3 mos and then decided to go on the paleo diet to get rid of the next 25. Really like the paleo system, lean meats, vegetables and fruit (no bread, beans, rice etc). I really don't consider it a diet but more of a life style. The good thing for me is that it has all my favorite things in it except cheese--you only need to eat the "right" foods 85% of the time and if I want dessert I have it. This has really worked for me. I think it is important to find a system that works for you--if it is only a diet the chances of regaining the weight are high.
  • It was a sad day when I finally had to acknowledge that alcohol contains calories. I haven't acknowledged that yet. New article from WSJ on dieting:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Cut calories and you will lose weight. If you cut your calories and you are still not losing weight, cut your calories some more or count your calories more accurately. Eating healthy, getting enough protein to maintain as much muscle as possible, exercise, weights, etc. all help, but none will work without the above.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    It was a sad day when I finally had to acknowledge that alcohol contains calories.
  • Good to see more evidence finally making it into mainstream that calories is "all" that matters. Counting calories works because it forces you to pay attention and measure what you're eating. What you measure, improves. :lmao:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    New article from WSJ on dieting: Good to see more evidence finally making it into mainstream that calories is "all" that matters.
  • It is not enough to measure weight/height. Percentage of body fat is no less, and perhaps more, important. When losing weight it is important not to lose muscle. Therefore you see a big difference between non-athetes who have lost weight and athletes who have dropped down. The athletes look defined while the non-athletes look "loose" with the skin and muscles hanging off the bones.
  • I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you all about the importance of caloric intake (passive/aggressive which means I am waffling:afraid:) but any weight loss that you desire to keep off if it is maintained by a overly constricted eating plan has the potential to fail--just look at how many people act like yo-yo’s in the weight maintenance area. I do believe the calories matter but if you wish to maintain any weight reduction you have to alter your life style. This means minimizing fats/sugars. You need to be able to have some “fun” at the table and keep your diet/foods interesting. Giving up all the foods that you enjoy doesn’t work--at least for me. Good/ proper nutrition, and good exercise should reduce your weight unless you have underlying medical issues.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you all about the importance of caloric intake (passive/aggressive which means I am waffling:afraid:) but any weight loss that you desire to keep off if it is maintained by a overly constricted eating plan has the potential to fail--just look at how many people act like yo-yo’s in the weight maintenance area. I do believe the calories matter but if you wish to maintain any weight reduction you have to alter your life style. This means minimizing fats/sugars. You need to be able to have some “fun” at the table and keep your diet/foods interesting. Giving up all the foods that you enjoy doesn’t work--at least for me. Good/ proper nutrition, and good exercise should reduce your weight unless you have underlying medical issues. One should alter their lifestyle to consume less calories than they take in. How one does this is secondary.