Swimming after liftin'

Former Member
Former Member
Never tried it myself. Is there a certain kind of workout that is more advisable? I was thinking do some quick sprints as I don't want to be at the gym for 3 hours but I don't want to hurt myself either.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    At my age (52), I would use a short swim workout after a hard weight workout out more as a means to "losen up" than as an additional aerobic session on top of an anearobic session. Weights are great for speed work and help your taper when you stop them. But they also crush you in the water if done hard and regular. If you losen up a bit after weights in the water you might feel a little better the next day or two. I'm usually tight and tired the 2nd day after weights. I seldom do weight and swim on the same day anymore. If you are younger and have the motivation and time..... then go for it. Hammer out another hour after your weight routine.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    At my age (52), I would use a short swim workout after a hard weight workout out more as a means to "losen up" than as an additional aerobic session on top of an anearobic session. Weights are great for speed work and help your taper when you stop them. But they also crush you in the water if done hard and regular. If you losen up a bit after weights in the water you might feel a little better the next day or two. I'm usually tight and tired the 2nd day after weights. I seldom do weight and swim on the same day anymore. If you are younger and have the motivation and time..... then go for it. Hammer out another hour after your weight routine.
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