Swimming after liftin'

Former Member
Former Member
Never tried it myself. Is there a certain kind of workout that is more advisable? I was thinking do some quick sprints as I don't want to be at the gym for 3 hours but I don't want to hurt myself either.
  • Maybe do core exercises to warm up, Elaine? I lift right before my speed workouts or on an off day of swimming. I find I can sprint after weights just fine as the DOMS seems to kick in the next day or so. I probably wouldn't want to tackle a lactate or hard aerobic workout right after weights. Conversely, I would never do weights directly after swimming. I would be tired enough to not make any progress in the weight room. I'd want a big time gap to recover before lifting. Thanks, Fort; I appreciate the feedback. After I swim, I stretch on deck, drink about 8 oz of light chocolate soy milk, and then hit the showers. This mini break seems to work fine for me, although I'm not quite as strong in the weight room as I would be if I didn't swim prior. But, I find it's really not all that bad. Although I could try it in reverse, I would rather my weights suffer a little bit rather than my swimming. And, doing morning/afternoon or night doubles just doesn't work with my schedule.
  • Maybe do core exercises to warm up, Elaine? I lift right before my speed workouts or on an off day of swimming. I find I can sprint after weights just fine as the DOMS seems to kick in the next day or so. I probably wouldn't want to tackle a lactate or hard aerobic workout right after weights. Conversely, I would never do weights directly after swimming. I would be tired enough to not make any progress in the weight room. I'd want a big time gap to recover before lifting. Thanks, Fort; I appreciate the feedback. After I swim, I stretch on deck, drink about 8 oz of light chocolate soy milk, and then hit the showers. This mini break seems to work fine for me, although I'm not quite as strong in the weight room as I would be if I didn't swim prior. But, I find it's really not all that bad. Although I could try it in reverse, I would rather my weights suffer a little bit rather than my swimming. And, doing morning/afternoon or night doubles just doesn't work with my schedule.
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