Independence Day challenge

Here in the DVLMSC we area a little thin on meets this time of year. I imagine that this is true in many other places as well. Therefore, for fun, and to help sustain the motivation to train, I set forth this Independence Day challenge: Swim an 800 IM, time yourself and report your result here. To kick off this challenge, (and since I know that someone would call my bluff on this if I didn’t do it myself) I did my 800 IM today (SCY) and swam it in 11:50. Splits were: 2:55 (fly in 2:55) 5:44 (back in 2:49) 8:13 (*** in 3:29) 11:50 (free in 2:37) (Next stop, :bed:) To compare swimmers of different ages and genders, compute your rating as follows: 1) Go to the Australian Masters Swimming records and find the record for the SCM 800 IM for your age group and gender. For example, for my age group, M45-49, the record is 10:53.34, held by someone named Mark Smedley. (What a great name for an IMer!) 2) Convert the Australian SCM record to SCY with the swimming world time converter. (Just use the 400 IM conversion. Hey, this is for fun, we don’t have to be precise here.) For example, Mr. Smedley’s time converts to 9:45.39 SCY. 3) Convert both your time and the record time to a total number of seconds, and take the ratio of the record time to your time. For example, Mr. Smedley’s record time is 585s and my time was 710s, so my rating is 585/710 = 0.82. In other words my speed is 82% of that of the record swim for my age group and gender. 4) If you swim it SCM you won’t have to convert. If you swim it LCM, you can use the Austrailian LCM record and you will also not need to convert. Anyone who completes this challenge gets a :banana: . The highest overall rating gets a :bow: . If you complete this challenge LCM, you are :weightlifter: . So are there any takers? tjrpatt, That Guy, pwb, jaadams1, gdanner, couldbebetterfly? I know that there are some distance fly/IM types out there just itching to do this, so find a pool and celebrate the holiday! Any non-US swimmers, here is your chance to show that your motherland outshines the ‘States.
  • I did this July 3rd SCM as part of my favorite "Aussie Power IM Workout". It is such a favorite that I've failed to complete it twice in the last 6 months. Aussie, because it includes an 800 IM. Power, because everything is a power of 2. Aussie Power IM Workout 800 warmup + swimdown, choice, surrounding the main set. Main Set: 1 x 800 IM on 16:00 2 x 400 IM on 8:00 4 x 200 IM on 4:00 8 x 100 IM on 2:00 Main set is 3200 SCY/M and takes 64 minutes. Hey, I did the Aussi Power Workout today (my 4th time I think.) I got a new pr in the 800 SCY IM = 11:44. 2:58 (2:58) 5:52 (2:54 -yuck) 9:12 (3:20 -started to get pretty uncomfortable here) 11:44 (2:32) Here are my previous attempts:
  • Hey, I did the Aussi Power Workout today (my 4th time I think.) I got a new pr in the 800 SCY IM = 11:44. I just started a distance phase; now would be a good time to revisit this set. 11:44, eh?
  • Hey, I did the Aussi Power Workout today (my 4th time I think.) I got a new pr in the 800 SCY IM = 11:44. 2:58 (2:58) 5:52 (2:54 -yuck) 9:12 (3:20 -started to get pretty uncomfortable here) 11:44 (2:32) I did just the 800 IM part today at lunch: 3:00 (3:00) 5:57 (2:57) 9:17 (3:20) 11:50 (2:33)
  • I did just the 800 IM part today at lunch:3:00 (3:00) 5:57 (2:57) 9:17 (3:20) 11:50 (2:33) You are spotting me quite a few years so your rating will be substantially better than mine. The SCM record in your age group is 12:28.56 so your rating is 94.9. (That record needs to come down though. The record in the next age group up is several seconds faster.) The SCM record in my age group is 10:53.34 so my rating is 83.6.
  • I just started a distance phase; now would be a good time to revisit this set. 11:44, eh? Yea, but that's no a true Aussi Power Set because I did it SCY not SCM.
  • Yea, but that's no a true Aussi Power Set because I did it SCY not SCM. It's ok. It's our watered-down American version.
  • This is the first time I've ever swum an 800 IM. Today, on my 34th birthday: 2:10.77 2:23.68 2:36.42 2:06.65 9:17.52
  • Those Australian 800IM records? Check out the shiny new W70-74 SCM one. (Swimmer placed 4th in the 800 free at Nationals, despite swimming it IM. She broke the 400IM world record at the same meet. Also holds backstroke WRs)
  • This is the first time I've ever swum an 800 IM. Today, on my 34th birthday: 2:10.77 2:23.68 2:36.42 2:06.65 9:17.52 Impressive swim. The Aussi record for M30-34 800 SCM IM is 10:52.23. Using the 400 IM converter, that converts to 9:47 SCY so your rating is 111! FWIW: The M30-34 record appears to be low-hanging fruit. For comparison: The M35-39 record is 10:37.90, which converts to 9:34.17 SCY. The fastest overall is actually the M40-44 record of 10:02.72, which converts to 9:02 SCY. Maybe you should make a trip down-under to set the record straight.