Dealing with Strength Training DOMS

Former Member
Former Member
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - Friend or Foe? Recently I started introducing strength training 2x per week to my regime. Exercises now consist of pull-ups and ab work, and I plan to start doing other exercises (lower body too). However, my muscles are sore because I work my reps until failure, typically. I should mention that I swim 5x per week. Do you think this soreness will tend to go away once I'm better conditioned with weights? I still plan to do my reps until failure to help build strength. Also, should I just swim hard while still sore? Generally, how do folks typically handle the combination of strength training DOMS and swim practice?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    "If you are using muscle that have not done these exercises before then , yes they will be sore and as then get used to it will reduce soreness." Thanks Orca. Hopefully over time I'll have less soreness. I'd like to keep strength training part of my fitness plans. "Why lift to failure?" No Pain, No Gain :weightlifter:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    "If you are using muscle that have not done these exercises before then , yes they will be sore and as then get used to it will reduce soreness." Thanks Orca. Hopefully over time I'll have less soreness. I'd like to keep strength training part of my fitness plans. "Why lift to failure?" No Pain, No Gain :weightlifter:
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