Dryland / Strength Training Suggestions

For the current time our Masters schedule is limited to three mornings per week (M-W-F), with occasional Saturdays. Since I'm an early riser and up at 5:00AM anyway, I'm trying to come up with some ideas for some dryland and/or strength training routines for Tuesday and Thursday mornings when I can't swim. I've been doing some stretch cord and bodyweight training on a random basis, but thinking it would help if I had more of a structured plan. I've got a seldom used gym membership, so that's an option for my off days. Running is out due to some chronic knee problems. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
  • I bought a basic TRX system (https://www.trxtraining.com/) and love it. I can use it for all kinds of strength exercises. For home, you mount the suspension bracket to the wall and hook up the straps. You can also take it on the road and use it in hotel rooms by latching it between a door and the jamb. It also comes with workouts that they guide you through based on what you'd like to do. Best $99 I've spent in awhile. I definitely got the full amount out of it in just a few months without a gym membership.
  • I’ve been taking a TRX class 2-3 times per week and it’s definitely helped me with core stability, endurance and speed.  

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