Dryland / Strength Training Suggestions

For the current time our Masters schedule is limited to three mornings per week (M-W-F), with occasional Saturdays. Since I'm an early riser and up at 5:00AM anyway, I'm trying to come up with some ideas for some dryland and/or strength training routines for Tuesday and Thursday mornings when I can't swim. I've been doing some stretch cord and bodyweight training on a random basis, but thinking it would help if I had more of a structured plan. I've got a seldom used gym membership, so that's an option for my off days. Running is out due to some chronic knee problems. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
  • You have the answer in the "seldom used" gym . Go there sign up for a trainer to get you started on ALL the machines they have and you can then go there 2-3-4 times a week for much needed strength training! IMHO
  • You have the answer in the "seldom used" gym . Go there sign up for a trainer to get you started on ALL the machines they have and you can then go there 2-3-4 times a week for much needed strength training! IMHO
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