Are VASA trainers worth it?
Here's my scenario: I'm booster board president for a high school team. Our coach acquired six VASA trainers that need to be refurbished, approx $2,000 total.
We practice off site from the high school, so dry-lands are done at the pool. There is no fitness room or equipment like that at the pool, so the kids do body weight exercises and maybe some bands.
I'm looking for input from people who've used VASA trainers and can weigh in on their benefit.
PS It'd probably be nice if my Masters group could use them, but we don't have a fundraising account to help contribute with the cost.
Former Member
The gym I use has one on the workout floor. I think it's awesome. I think it's an excellent machine, and definitely something that would be worth the investment.
The gym I use has one on the workout floor. I think it's awesome. I think it's an excellent machine, and definitely something that would be worth the investment.