Whole Food Plant Based

Just my view - whole food plant based - China Study and Dr. Greger ... I am a numbers guy and the numbers are there !!! 

My rules in terms of research and studies -

1) I can NOT just look at one item - my body and how it all works is so complex we still don't fully understand "it" 

2) my baseline is the "healthiest people in this world". And that ain't the Western diet ... my influencers are Blue Zones, longevity and all I have seen and read... I think Seventh Day Adventists are closest for "me" to healthy nutrition - and as far as I can tell, numbers are clear that for example vegans are overall healthier than vegetarians in terms of cancer, heart disease and so on ... thats makes it clear to me. Does one cheese sth a month make a difference - you body is amazing and it probably doesn't but I don't use that as an excuse to make that weekly.

3) So with the baseline - when I look at a study, it has to be based or be able to relate it to my diet and lifestyle - otherwise its not meant for me (and probably not for most others ... ). If somebody who eats 2 bad processed hamburgers every day switches to much less processed steaks - the "study" will show that steaks are healthy ... but to me each steak is like smoking a cigarette ... one won't kill you tomorrow but cancer odds are just bigger.

4) Why do people not believe in this ? Its sad but its ALL $$$$$$$$$$ .

5) One of  my favorite fact - doctors we have now learned less than 25hrs about nutrition in medical school - our medical care system is NOT based on prevention at all - we have great doctors but they treat the disease when its there and our body may take 80 years to create the disease... 

Why post this for USMS - I am a swimmer FOREVER and I wanted to share my views ...

  • I am primarily plant based whole food diet and am a holistic nutrition coach.  I swim masters now but did about 20 years of triathlons in my thirties and forties and swam with a masters group and was competitive nationally.  I just don't feel well eating much animal protein and have been vegan and vegatarian at different times.  I now will eat very small amounts of animal protein if I'm invited somewhere for dinner but I have to balance out with plenty of veggies and salad.  Have also read the China Study (long time ago) and follow a plant based gastroenterologist.  If you want more data read Fiber Fueled a New York times bestseller (either in 2020 or 2021).  Dr. Will Bulsewitz (sp) He's great!

  • The thing is "everybody is different" there is no one science that fits all. what works for one person may not work for another.

    It really all comes down to "genetics".

    Case in point, I'm a 69 year old male and swim 2 to 3 thousand yards 5 days a week, I also play tennis 2 days a week and lift light weights 3 times a week, My dad was a cattle rancher and we lived on the ranch I grew up eating meat and chicken with some Vegas, I was never fat as a child

    My cholesterol is basically zero and my blood workups are all normal I recently had a angiogram and it came out perfect, I weight 180 and 6ft tall. Don't believe everything you read. Find what works for you not somebody else

    I have a brother and 2 sisters older than me all in perfect health my dad lived to 98 and my mom 103

  • The thing is "everybody is different" there is no one science that fits all. what works for one person may not work for another.

    It really all comes down to "genetics".

    Case in point, I'm a 69 year old male and swim 2 to 3 thousand yards 5 days a week, I also play tennis 2 days a week and lift light weights 3 times a week, My dad was a cattle rancher and we lived on the ranch I grew up eating meat and chicken with some Vegas, I was never fat as a child

    My cholesterol is basically zero and my blood workups are all normal I recently had a angiogram and it came out perfect, I weight 180 and 6ft tall. Don't believe everything you read. Find what works for you not somebody else

    I have a brother and 2 sisters older than me all in perfect health my dad lived to 98 and my mom 103

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