Eating before early morning work outs

I'm about to start having swim practices at 6am.  I have never swam a full workout this early.  I plan on waking up at 5am to get to this practice.  I'm wondering if I should practice on an empty stomach or eat something.  If eating is recommended, what should I eat or consume?

  • I've been swimming early mornings for ages, and I like to eat something small before my workout.  For the last couple of decades that's been a nutrigrain bar.  Back in college when I was getting them for free, I would eat a third to a half of a PowerBar.  To give you a timeline:  I wake up at 4:40, leave the house at 4:50, eat my bar in the car, and I'm in the pool no later than 5:05.  So, there's really no digestion time; it's just enough to make it so my stomach's not rumbling by the end of my swim.

  • I've been swimming early mornings for ages, and I like to eat something small before my workout.  For the last couple of decades that's been a nutrigrain bar.  Back in college when I was getting them for free, I would eat a third to a half of a PowerBar.  To give you a timeline:  I wake up at 4:40, leave the house at 4:50, eat my bar in the car, and I'm in the pool no later than 5:05.  So, there's really no digestion time; it's just enough to make it so my stomach's not rumbling by the end of my swim.

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