Training Programs with Parkinson's Disease

Hello! I was diagnosed 7 years ago with Early Onset Parkinson's Disease, I am now 55. I was wondering if there is anyone in this community who has been training successfully with a program catered to our specific challenges. For me, I have a constant train/ crash cycle that is not helping me progress with my goals. My goals are to improve my overall health, improve and manage my pesky symptoms. train consistently each week because I enjoy it, and maybe swim in the occasional regional meet. However, I find I have a tendency to push my own sessions too hard, then put myself into a 'crash' mode which can take 2-3 days to recover. And the crashes also keep me from doing my other day to day activities , so that puts me into an even worse cycle mentally, personally, etc. I am super frustrated, but know that swimming is a great exercise option for those of us with PD, my question is: Has anyone figured out the ideal training program that helps you be consistent and improve (health, goals) and not put you in the spin cycle the other direction? Thanks everyone for any help or ideas you can send my way. Pamela