Cancer treatment - chlorine and hair loss

Hi folks, I'm writing about a swimmer on my team who has Ovarian Cancer. She is about to undergo her third chemo regimen in 3 years and this one is a loooong 6 months. She is worried about significant hair loss and is thinking about trying the "cooling cap" technique to stave off some of that hair loss. She has heard that chlorine and swim caps are a no-no in that they can negate the treatment the cooling cap gives. She's heard that bromine might be more tolerant.

For those with experience or knowledge in how she might be able to maintain her time in the pool, we'd greatly appreciate your response. As you can imagine, those swims help give her an outlet in an incredibly scary time in her life as she battles Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. 

  • I am in remission from breast cancer. My specific chemotherapy made me immune suppressed, and my doctor would not allow any group exercise.  I was not offered the cooling cap, so sorry that I can't answer that aspect.

    Additionally, the chemo made my skin permanently more sensitive. After swimming I need to do a thorough cleanse and I use baby wash soap.

  • I am in remission from breast cancer. My specific chemotherapy made me immune suppressed, and my doctor would not allow any group exercise.  I was not offered the cooling cap, so sorry that I can't answer that aspect.

    Additionally, the chemo made my skin permanently more sensitive. After swimming I need to do a thorough cleanse and I use baby wash soap.

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