Recovery from car accident

Hi fellow swimmies: I was in a bad car crash on 7-11-2019. Went to the hospital E-R got lots of meds and I am now seeing a chiropractor. Nothing broken other then I was shaken up like a rag doll and have lots of neck/head and back issues. If there is anyone out there that has gone through a similar experience and has advise on how to get motivated again and weigh what the doctors say vs maybe pushing a bit help is needed. I was told 4 weeks no swimming, no weight lifting nothing. While I do not recovery is tricky (no two people are alike), if there is a post or way that I should gauge things, by all means I am all ears. Kind Regards swimmies.
  • Oh NO ! I'm glad that you were not badly injured! Think of your down time as a taper . After my 5th hip operation, I was told no weight bearing for FOUR MONTHS. That was some serious mental challenge for me to accomplish! When you do start back exercising, work your way into it easy. And as above listen to your body. See you soon at swim practice in Oct.
  • Oh NO ! I'm glad that you were not badly injured! Think of your down time as a taper . After my 5th hip operation, I was told no weight bearing for FOUR MONTHS. That was some serious mental challenge for me to accomplish! When you do start back exercising, work your way into it easy. And as above listen to your body. See you soon at swim practice in Oct.
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