Need Help With Muscle Problems

Former Member
Former Member
I'm a 16 year old swimmer that swims for a club team and for about 5 months I have been having problems with my lower biceps and brachialis muscles. When I swim they get very tense, feel very tight and feel sore. Its preventing me from swimming and causing a lot of trouble. My coach thinks that it might have to do with tensing my arms up on my recovery but he is not really sure. I've been to a physical therapist and they also are not sure whats wrong, but he thinks it could have to do with rotator cuff weakness. My coach says that my stroke looks good which is why he is not sure whats wrong. I don't know if that is enough information to go off but im really just looking for anything, if anyone has had anything similar to this and fixed it or they know what was causing it. If you want to ask me any questions that could help, I will definitely respond. Edited to add diagram showing where I feel it
  • I'm not going to jump in with my opinion one a doctor and a coach who don't know what's up. sorry.
  • You are asking a bunch of people on an adult forum to problem solve for a teen age swimmers. This is not the best forum for you to get answers. You have no idea what kind of experience and training any of us have to offer ideas. Never a good idea when you have in person resources where you are. The answer to one of your questions is in your post. if parts of your arms feel tense, relax them. It is that simple. If your PT can't offer any ideas, find a different PT who has swimming background. This is what PTs go to school for. And, get another coach's perspective. You have all of the resources you need to figure this out. I agree with ORCA1946.
  • You need to see a sports medicine doctor not a family doctor. I have had a sports medicine doctor every time I had a sports injury or pain. The result will be that you will be referred to a different physical therapist.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    Any ideas at all? Really just looking for anything.
  • As a physical therapist with a specialty in orthopedics (and not geriatrics...not relevant to you), and having been a life long swimmer, find a Physical Therapist through the APTA ABPTS web site and find one with an Ortho or Sports specialty (OCS or SCS) in your area. I bet you, it's as simple as doing some near dynamic stretching, esp at your age. This is most certainly NOT related to RC issues. Good Luck.