Swimming after Broken Thumb

Former Member
Former Member
I had a bike accident on Father's day and broke my left thumb. I am now back in the pool and trying to get my swimming fitness. This has been a painful process and it is only now 6 months later that I can swim most strokes OK I can't swim with thumb out from the palm, which is how you should swim. I have cut the top off some old 'Fist-gloves' and I am using this to support my thumb by holding to closer to my palm. Has anyone else had a similar break ? How long did it take you to get your full strength and range of motion back ? When did the pain go away ?
  • So, biking accident taking out 67Prince to the trails with his new bike on Wednesday. Me: "Hooray, 2020 is almost over," 2020; "I'm not dead, yet!" Thought thumb was brokoen, but fortunately not quite. Still supposed to keep immobilized and see doc again in a week. They opted to use a whole wrist splint, rather than a cast, fortunately. Still swollen and bruised. Cancelled my reservation for the 100x100SCM practice on Sunday, but hope to not miss a whole week. They did tell me not to swim until my follow-up, butI am thinking that I can do a combination of kick sets and swimming with a splint using small paddles. Will have to put something there to keep the "curve" of my hand somewhat preserved. I have the splint thing figured out I think. Anyway, so my fear here is that if I do too many laps with the paddles and unintentinoally tweak my stroke. Anyone else have to deal with something like this, and if you did, how did you manage?