Low-carb (ketogenic) eating and swimming

The only required macronutrients to sustain life are protein and fats. There are NO essential carbohydrates. I adopted a ketogenic way of eating 12+ years ago. It has corrected multiple health issues, and it has enabled me to remain upright and active.

The basic formula: less than 15% carbs, 40% protein, and 45% fat. My formula is: 3% carbs, 34% protein and 63% fat. This gives me the nutrition I need to remain active and healthy without gaining weight. 

I have completed multiple swims using this ketogenic formula, including: an 8-mile reservoir swim, a 10K pool swim in a 50-meter pool, and, for my birthday, 50 100-yard swims on 15 seconds' rest. I plan to attempt 51 150-yard swims in 2025 for my 51st birthday.

While some people are able to consume carbohydrates, too many people consume more than their body should intake. We are designed to eat meat, from the acid level in our stomach to the size of our large intestines, we are meat eaters. Actually, our stomach acid level puts us in the same category as scavengers. Which is more acidic than a lion's stomach, they are carnivore. 

If you want to give it a try, give it 90-days. I true 90 days, don't lie to yourself and don't make excuses of why you can't complete the 90 days. If you need/want help holding yourself accountable, I'd love to help. Check out Twiggyfitnessisketo.com for more information.

  • This is a "stop, you're both right" situation. I am not an expert in diet and longevity, but my wife, Carol Stark MD is and I have gotten information from her. The biggest problems with the modern American diet are too much processed foods and too much sugar, not too much or too little meat, except that many of our meat sources are overly processed and fat from grain fed animals is too high in the bad lipids (which is not true of grass fed..) The Inuits, on their traditional diet, which is all meat and mostly fat, are very healthy. The ketogenic diet is recommended for cancer patients as most cancers require sugar to grow and so very low carbs, no sugar, no cancer. Also with the ketogenic diet intermittent fasting is much easier and even fasting 12 hr increases autophagy which is the bodies way of getting rid of cells that aren't functioning and replacing poorly functioning mitochondria with new ones. Also, not eating 4 hr before sleeping increases the functioning of the glymphatic system which cleans up the detritus form the brain. The problem with the ketogenic diet is that in is hard to start as you are getting your body to go from mostly using sugars for fuel to mostly using ketones for fuel. Many people feel bad during the transition. This is the so called "Keto flu". Once you are in ketosis you are fine. but if the temptation to eat sweets or carbs is too much and you "slip", you have to start over. Also ketones work great for distance events, but it is likely carbs are better for sprints.

    The WFPB diet can also be very healthy, depending on the whole foods. Some grains, especially wheat, and some legumes. can be high in lectins which can be bad for some people and problematic for others.

    Some people believe that the most helpful part of the Mediterranean diet is the extensive use of olive oil. Non-inflammatory oils are clearly healthy, but most seed based oils are inflammatory.

    Diet is very important for longevity and improved cognition as you age, both of these diets can be very healthy and lead to good lipid numbers.

    It is important to mention that the best single thing to do to improve longevity, cognition and mood is EXERCISE and according to at least one study the best exercise is SWIMMING.

  • I disagree, in part. Yes, the factory foods definitely play a role in our ill health. The excessive consumption of sugar definitely plays a role as well. The reduction in meat consumption also plays a role. The most nutrient dense food on the planet is beef liver, next to that is beef. 

    Yes, intermittent fasting can also be beneficial. On average, I consume 2 meals per day within a 6-hour window. The rest of the time I'm fasting. If we are constantly consuming food, we are not giving our bodies time to clean house. I saw research that stated cancer takes 7 years to grow, so I'm doing my best to keep my house free and clear of damaged, old, broken-down cells.

    I disagree that WFPB is healthy. There isn't a stitch of B12 in vegetables, so supplementation is necessary. If you have to supplement, it's not the optimum diet. Scroll YouTube and you'll see heartbreaking stories of people that were vegan (sick) and went to a strictly carnivore diet (healthy). If you have seen a video going the other way, I would love to see it. 

    Yes, I'm a huge proponent of exercise. God didn't design us to be sedentary for 15+ hours per day. We are designed to move. I believe big food/big pharma wants us like the characters in Wall-E. 

    We can agree to disagree and that is totally fine. My goal is to help people lead a healthier life and get out of the Matrix and lies we have been told about nutrition for the past 100+ years.

  • My goal is a longer healthier life and we have the lead in that just like I have the lead in the pool :) 

  • I think we are mostly in agreement. The human GI tract is definitely not herbivore and B12 must be gotten some how. I personally am fairly carnivore (chicken, fish, grass fed beef etc.) with vegetables and fruit. I have tried to go off processed food and sweets as much as possible, but I do eat a little dark chocolate regularly.

    I went off gluten a few years ago and lost 10 lb from my midsection in 6 mo. I was not trying to lose weight and didn't think I needed to until I saw the change. If I "slip" and eat sweets my arthritis gets worse. 

  • That's not proven, but thanks for trying. I started swimming at 31 years old. At 5'5", I'm not Janet Evans. Though I did compete in the Junior Olympics for cross country 3 years in a row until our program was scrubbed due to lack of funding.

  • That's not proven, but thanks for trying. I started swimming at 31 years old. At 5'5", I'm not Janet Evans. Though I did compete in the Junior Olympics for cross country 3 years in a row until our program was scrubbed due to lack of funding.

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