2023 Nationals

Have the chosen the sites for Nationals in 2023 yet?

  • Surely if you are expecting anyone to attend 2023 USMS Nationals, you must have chosen the sites by now.  Looks like I will be going to 2023 National Senior Games instead.  At least I know where and when they will be (Pittsburgh,PA July 7-18, 2023). 

  • Mary,

    The sites have been preliminarily selected but until the contracts have been presented, agreed upon by all parties and signed, it would be premature to make any formal announcements. We're just about a week or two away from finalizing and signing so we apologize that it seems like we aren't making progress.

  • It might be helpful for future seasons if an anticipated announcement timeline is posted on the USMS website, that would likely prevent these sorts of forum threads, especially when the process has been delayed.

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