how does the live streaming work for 2021 USMS nationals at Greensboro, I have people that want to watch, but dont know how to tell them to do that. Any information will help. Thanks.

Information, and link on how to see the event live through streaming,  Thank you


  • Not a surprise that the live streaming links are hosed...I used to personally produce and stream the Nationals from 2012-2017, and after the events the streams were made available for friends and family who missed the live action.  In 2017 the then new CEO, Dawson Hughes, alias DH, decided to outsource all the I.T. functions to an organization clueless about USMS, its purpose, functionality, rules, events, membership, history and the like.  More than 100 years of organizational knowledge walked right out the door sacrificed for DH's "digital transformation"...Haha!!

  • Dale, Information and link on WHERE?

    Streaming was billed, but a few of us never found it.

    Now that I am at home, after it doesn't matter anymore, I found the links by scrolling way down the Swimmer heats and results page in Swim Phone. 

    What would have been helpful?

    Place a link in the Swim Phone 3 bar menu. Some folks did not recognize the 3 bars as a menu. Icons are like they. They have no innate meaning. It would be good to have a PDF with arrows pointing to the controls. We do have 100 year olds competing. 

  • There was a banner for live coverage on the main USMS site the entire week of the meet.  Also a big link for live coverage on the meet page.  SwimPhone isn't for video, it's for live results.