2020 Spring Nationals - San Antonio - NQT's

The National Qualifying Times for Spring Nationals in San Antonio, April 23-26, 2020, have been posted and can also be accessed here: www.usms.org/.../2020 usms spring nationals nqts.pdf
  • OK Still have time + $10 to make up my mind to swim Nationals this year. Where is my lucky silver dollar coin$
  • does USMS have a coronavirus statement or plan at this time? would be nice as we make flight/hotel arrangements to know what they are thinking and how they'll make the decision surrounding the event. Hi Jordan. The USMS National Office and the host group, Northside Independent School District and the city of San Antonio, are very much aware of the issue and have been working on a statement which will be forthcoming shortly. Jim Championship Committee Chair
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago
    does USMS have a coronavirus statement or plan at this time? would be nice as we make flight/hotel arrangements to know what they are thinking and how they'll make the decision surrounding the event.
  • The USMS National Office and the host group, Northside Independent School District and the city of San Antonio, are very much aware of the issue and have been working on a statement which will be forthcoming shortly.And in the mean time follow the advice on CDC.GOV.
  • Below is the statement previously mentioned in this thread: U.S. Masters Swimming is closely following updates regarding COVID-19 (also called the coronavirus) and will continue to operate as usual, which includes the sanctioning and hosting of events. USMS will abide by the recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health officials to ensure the safety of athletes, coaches, volunteers, fans, and staff at our events. USMS recommends that all clubs, workout groups, and event directors refer to the CDC and other local health officials for updates on COVID-19 in their area, and also recommends that all clubs, workout groups, and event directors promote prevention best practices and consider taking additional measures, including having hand sanitizer readily available and performing extra disinfection of areas of possible transmission (e.g., restrooms, showers, doors). In order to best support our members at this time, USMS encourages event directors to have flexible refund policies. USMS encourages all swimmers to adhere to best health practices and follow local health officials for updates, and discourages swimmers or fans who are sick from attending workouts or events. We’re continuing to move forward with our planning for the 2020 USMS Spring National Championship in San Antonio. We’re working closely with our hosts, Northside ISD Aquatics and San Antonio Sports, to ensure a safe and enjoyable event. Participants who do not wish to compete will have until March 30 to request a full refund by contacting events@usmastersswimming.org. (Here is the CDC's guidance for travelers.) USMS is also continuing to prepare for the 2020 FINIS College Club Swimming National Championship in North Carolina, working closely with the meet host and the Greensboro Aquatic Center. We’ll continue to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak diligently and provide updates and information to our members through email communications as they become available. We thank you in advance for taking every precaution to protect yourself and others.
  • USMS is also continuing to prepare for the 2020 FINIS College Club Swimming National Championship in North Carolina, working closely with the meet host and the Greensboro Aquatic Center. Update We regret to announce that the 2020 FINIS College Club Swimming National Championship has been cancelled. The decision was made jointly between U.S. Masters Swimming, College Club Swimming, and University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Club Swimming because of concerns regarding COVID-19. The University of North Carolina has mandated that university-affiliated events with more than 50 people both on- and off-campus be cancelled or postponed until further notice. Many other colleges and universities have imposed similar restrictions on students and gatherings because of COVID-19 (also known as the coronavirus). “We’re extremely disappointed about having to cancel the meet,” says Rachel Redmond, the meet director and a member of UNC Club Swimming, “but it’s in the best interest of the swimmers, coaches, and their families in attendance in regards to safety.”
  • I have just been informed the S C National is being cancelled now!
  • OOPPPSS! I should have swum a 200 fly before the Covid 19 shut down meets for S C Y , I would have made the top ten.