There's been a bit of a kerfuffle on (which is typical...bring out the pitchforks & torches) regarding the possible use of PEDs by USMS swimmers. Accusations, innuendo and prove it to the group are some of the opinions stated.
  • I am about to turn 61. I consider that I am improving if my times stay the same, as muscle mass drops off after 40 and preciptiously from 60-65. I take a bunch of meds for mild hypertension, type-II diabetes (although swimming has pretty much put my blood sugar numbers back in the high normal range...5.5-ish), and exercise-induced asthma. I seriously doubt any of these subtract seconds from my times...maybe hundredths, if I'm lucky. One thing I'd add is that there are now so many legal supplements that enhance performance...I'm thinking of NO boosters like carnitine, arginine, ornithine...even Viagra and Cialis! And caffeine is performance enhancing. Protein powders, of course. None of these can take the place of training, however. I think they all might give an edge to the person who is already working very hard, but they won't help pikers. Most importantly, I don't think ANY of these come close to having the same effect as HGH (for low-T or otherwise) or worse, anabolic steroids. Perhaps we should test for those just those things, but only at big meets and following record swims. Not sure what kind of penalties you'd dole out if someone failed. That could definitely be a "can of worms."
  • I am about to turn 61. I consider that I am improving if my times stay the same, as muscle mass drops off after 40 and preciptiously from 60-65. I take a bunch of meds for mild hypertension, type-II diabetes (although swimming has pretty much put my blood sugar numbers back in the high normal range...5.5-ish), and exercise-induced asthma. I seriously doubt any of these subtract seconds from my times...maybe hundredths, if I'm lucky. One thing I'd add is that there are now so many legal supplements that enhance performance...I'm thinking of NO boosters like carnitine, arginine, ornithine...even Viagra and Cialis! And caffeine is performance enhancing. Protein powders, of course. None of these can take the place of training, however. I think they all might give an edge to the person who is already working very hard, but they won't help pikers. Most importantly, I don't think ANY of these come close to having the same effect as HGH (for low-T or otherwise) or worse, anabolic steroids. Perhaps we should test for those just those things, but only at big meets and following record swims. Not sure what kind of penalties you'd dole out if someone failed. That could definitely be a "can of worms."
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