There's been a bit of a kerfuffle on (which is typical...bring out the pitchforks & torches) regarding the possible use of PEDs by USMS swimmers. Accusations, innuendo and prove it to the group are some of the opinions stated.
  • A bigger question for me is: why is the swimming discussion on slow twitch so lively compared to here? How do we get our community to be so engaged? I love talking about swimming on the forums. I don't want to go to slow twitch to do it. Just the name is depressing (for a sprinter)...
  • A bigger question for me is: why is the swimming discussion on slow twitch so lively compared to here? How do we get our community to be so engaged? I love talking about swimming on the forums. I don't want to go to slow twitch to do it. Just the name is depressing (for a sprinter)...
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