There's been a bit of a kerfuffle on (which is typical...bring out the pitchforks & torches) regarding the possible use of PEDs by USMS swimmers. Accusations, innuendo and prove it to the group are some of the opinions stated.
  • I think it's naïve to think it doesn't happen, but I doubt it's prevalent. Not prevalent but I believe more common than many think. Most, I believe, as was pointed out on slowtwich forum, take it as anti-aging and therefore justify it. We have medicalized aging (everyone has "low T" at certain age). My wife is a former age group national champion in time trial. They test 1st and 2nd in every age group at cycling nationals. She would like to take hormone replacement but doesn't because if she were tested, she would be suspended. It seems we have this debate frequently and it goes nowhere. In my opinion, at the very least, everyone that breaks a national or world record needs to pee in a cup.
  • I think it's naïve to think it doesn't happen, but I doubt it's prevalent. Not prevalent but I believe more common than many think. Most, I believe, as was pointed out on slowtwich forum, take it as anti-aging and therefore justify it. We have medicalized aging (everyone has "low T" at certain age). My wife is a former age group national champion in time trial. They test 1st and 2nd in every age group at cycling nationals. She would like to take hormone replacement but doesn't because if she were tested, she would be suspended. It seems we have this debate frequently and it goes nowhere. In my opinion, at the very least, everyone that breaks a national or world record needs to pee in a cup.
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