2019 Summer Nationals NQT's

The qualifying times for USMS Summer Nationals in Mission Viejo, August 7-11, 2019, have been posted on the meet landing page: www.usms.org/.../2019-summer-national-championships Jim Clemmons Championship Committee Chair
  • For any meet directors who may be interested, attached to this post is a Meet Manager Time Standard file for the Mission Viejo NQTs that you may wish to import for your LCM meets this summer. I had to Zip the file to be able to post on the Forums - you may have to extract the file from the Zip before importing to MM. Jeff Roddin Championship Committee
  • For any meet directors who may be interested, attached to this post is a Meet Manager Time Standard file for the Mission Viejo NQTs that you may wish to import for your LCM meets this summer. I had to Zip the file to be able to post on the Forums - you may have to extract the file from the Zip before importing to MM. Jeff Roddin Championship Committee
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